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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a role for HyBIRT treatment after surgery to remove the tumor in the tongue

Generally HyBIRT technique is used for patients who refuse surgery or unfit for surgery, however in certain circumstances like patient having positive surgical margin or a very narrow surgical margin HyBIRT technique can be used to improve the local control rate (prevent the tumor from coming back in the tongue).

What is the cure rate of HyBIRT technique for tongue cancer

Cure rates in tongue cancer are multifactorial and involve the stage at presentation, promptness of the treatment, patient fitness and how aggressive the tumor/cancer is. The 3-year local control rate in the tongue (tongue tumor resolving and no recurrence for at least 3-years) is as high as 95% based on our patients' data, and the 3-year survival (patients still alive at 3-years) is 68%. While the HyBIRT treatment has good control rate of the tumor in the tongue, unfortunately some patients especially those in the higher disease stage may have higher risk of disease spread to other parts of the body which reduces the survival rate.

Is my tongue cancer suitable for HyBIRT treatment protocol

While most patients can be treated with the HyBIRT treatment protocol with the aim of tongue preservation, you need to be assessed by the expert ENT / OMF and Radiation Oncology specialist on the suitability for the treatment. Please talk to us at: +60111-6278810 or email us at to arrange for an appointment.

Is the HyBIRT treatment for tongue cancer available in other centres

The HyBIRT tongue preservation technique is a unique innovation by the team of specialist in PPUSMB. While tongue brachytherapy is performed in other centres globally, the surgical methods, treatment algoritm and indication for treatment may vary from what is done at PPUSMB. There are other centres in and outside the country currently learning this HyBIRT treatment technique from PPUSMB and in future many more centre may offer this treatment.

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